

Board Certified Neurologist & Neurologist located in Houston, TX

Epilepsy services offered in Houston, TX

Epileptic seizures vary from staring spells you might not notice to violent convulsions where you lose consciousness. If you experience a seizure, visit board-certified neurologist Paul Gill, MD, at Gill Neuroscience in Houston, Texas. Dr. Gill has considerable expertise in treating epilepsy and reducing seizure frequency and intensity. Call Gill Neuroscience to book an appointment or request a consultation today via the online form.

Epilepsy Q&A

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a common, long-term neurological disorder where you experience seizures. These seizures are temporary symptoms of abnormal or excessive activity in the brain’s neurons (nerve cells).

Epilepsy is more of a syndrome than a single disorder, with varying symptoms involving occasional abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Not all forms of epilepsy are lifelong; some only occur during particular stages of childhood.

Around 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, with almost two-thirds of new cases occurring in developing countries. In the United States, around 3.4 million people have epilepsy.

The onset of new epilepsy cases occurs most frequently in infants or the elderly, and epilepsy becomes increasingly common as people age. Epileptic seizures can also occur in patients recovering from brain surgery.

What symptoms does epilepsy cause?

Epilepsy symptom severity can vary greatly, from staring spells where the only sign of a problem is a fixed gaze to violent convulsions and loss of consciousness. Most people with epilepsy have seizures similar to the ones they had previously rather than experiencing different types.

The kind of seizure you have depends on which part of your brain is affected and what’s causing the problem. Generalized seizures affect both halves of the brain, while partial or focal seizures originate in a cell network on one side of your brain.

Some people experience an aura before each seizure. This might consist of strange sensations like tingling, smelling something that isn’t there, and emotional changes).

How is epilepsy treated?

Primary caregivers, neurologists, and neurosurgeons all provide epilepsy treatment, which usually involves taking prescription medication. However, it’s vital that patients undergo an expert evaluation to determine whether they have generalized or partial seizures and ensure they receive the appropriate treatment.

In some cases, Dr. Gill might recommend a special diet. Vagus nerve stimulator implants can also be helpful for some patients. Medications like antiseizure drugs control but can’t cure epilepsy, and over 30% of patients don’t have seizure control even with the most effective drugs available. Surgery may be appropriate for challenging cases.

Neurosurgical procedures for epilepsy can reduce seizure frequency and/or severity and even cure epilepsy in a few patients.

Call Gill Neuroscience today or complete the online booking form to receive expert epilepsy diagnosis and treatment.